Re: Telnet attack on SGI

Michael/Miguel Sanchez (
Thu, 9 Nov 1995 23:37:38 -0800

On Nov 9, 10:54pm, Edwin Kremer wrote:
> Subject: Re: Telnet attack on SGI
> On Wed, 1 Nov 1995, Douglas Siebert wrote:
>   : There are two ways I know of to protect against this attack until SGI has a
>   : patch ready.
> SGI has the patch ready. Ask your support folks for patch #981 which,
> according to the README file: contains bug fixes for all versions of IRIX 5.2,
> IRIX 5.3, IRIX 6.0 and IRIX 6.0.1, and 6.1. The software cannot be installed
> on other versions.
> Funny, though, the README mentions "Patch_SG0000931", but that's just a
> slippery keyboard, I presume.
>                 best regards,
>                                                 --[ Edwin ]--
> --
> Edwin H. Kremer, systems- and network administrator.   <>
> Dept. of Computer Science,  Utrecht University, The Netherlands   [WHOIS: ehk3]
> -------------------- -----------------------
>-- End of excerpt from Edwin Kremer

This is incorrect.  Patch 981 is not finished and is not available for

Please, do not contact your SGI service provider for something that is
not available yet.

  Miguel (Michael) J. Sanchez              
  Silicon Graphics Customer Services Engineering
  "There's always room for jello."                       Cage #64